A perforated drain pipe is an effective solution when it comes to issues such as standing water or excessive ground water near the foundation of a building. The usual function of drainage pipes is to ensure rainwater from gutters are kept as far away from a house or they can be used to drain wet areas from low spots in the yard.
A perforated pipe can also be used as a drain tile when it’s placed near the base of the foundation of a home. If this is the case, then a sump pump is usually attached to the drainage pipe. To ensure optimal drainage, a perforated drainage pipe needs to have a proper slope. In short, it needs to be installed correctly for it to work according to its design.
To help you out, this article will guide you on installing a perforated drain pipe.
What You’ll Need
You will need all the right tools and equipment to perform this installation successfully. That said, here’s a list of things you will need:
- shovel
- tape measure
- small sledgehammer
- stakes
- string
- line level
- tamper
- landscape fabric
- garden rake
- perforated drainage pipe
Installing a Perforated Drain Pipe
1. Dig a trench that is about twice the width of the drainage pipe. In addition, make sure that you dig at least two-feet deep. If you find any roots, cut them out so you can place the pipe in a straight manner, or if not, in an angle that is slightly curved.
2. Install stakes every four feet along the trench you’ve dug using a small sledgehammer.
3. Find the location where the water will enter the perforated drain pipe. Once you do, tie a string to the stake found at that location.
4. Tie a string on the stake next to the stake where the water will enter. Level the string between the two stakes using a line level. Create a minimum slope of 1/8 inch per foot of linear run by moving the string down the second stake around ½ inch or more. Keep doing this for every stake in the trench.
5. Use a tape measure to find the distance from the string to the bottom of the trench. Add or remove soil as needed starting from the beginning of the trench so that a consistent distance is maintained.
6. Compact the soil between the stakes using a tamper. After replacing soil and compacting with the tamper, check the distance from the bottom of the trench to the string. Make adjustments to maintain the correct distance.
7. Take out all the string and remove the stakes.
8. Put landscaping fabric in the trench so that soil won’t enter the gravel around the pipe. Make sure you extend the fabric on both sides out onto the ground surface; the excess fabric will be used to cover the gravel infill of the trench.
9. Add two inches of gravel to the base of the trench. Use a garden rake to smooth it out. Also, make sure to maintain the slope of the bottom of the trench.
10. Put the perforated pipe in the trench and make sure the holes are facing down.
11. Add gravel to the trench to fill it up about four to six inches from the soil line.
12. Use the edges of the landscape fabric to cover the top of the gravel.
13. Add soil and sod to the top of the landscape fabric.