February is the biggest month for rain in Southern California, so you’ll want to be prepared. Since we are so used to lovely sunny days, many Angelenos aren’t sure of the steps they need to take to ensure a trouble-free rainy season. Just implement our two biggest tips and you’ll be more than ready.
#1: Schedule a Drain Cleaning
Your sewer lines accumulate debris over time. A drain cleaning will remove all of that build-up and leave your pipes looking brand new. Why is this important before heavy rains? Rain runoff rushes into your sewer system during a storm. The healthier the storm drain connected to your home is the better it can cope with the extreme flow.
If the sewer does back up and affect your pipes, you’ll be happy that the pipe is completely clear of debris. Mineral and grease deposits lining the inside of your drains allow clogs and blockages to happen much more easily. Essentially, a drain cleaning lowers your risk of some of the more expensive problems that could result from a rainstorm.
You can schedule a drain cleaning from a local specialist today here.
#2: Clean Your Gutters
Your gutters are going to do the heavy lifting of clearing water from your property, but they can’t if they’re full of leaves and other gunk. Most Californians don’t think about their gutters for seven or eight months of the year, so it’s understandable if your gutters don’t look perfectly clean.
However, now is the time to change that! Make sure you use proper safety precautions if you need a ladder and spend a few minutes clearing debris from your gutters. Not only will it help divert water from putting pressure on your roof, but it will also help the sewer cope more easily with increased flow.
Schedule a drain cleaning today. Just give our helpful team at Rooter Guard a call at (818) 572-9743 or fill out an online contact form.