Are you looking for a way to minimize or even stop condensation on your toilet cisterns? Well, this is definitely a problem that you should not overlook, as it can actually lead to other serious issues, such as rotting of your bathroom floorboards and carpets due to the constant drip of water from the cistern or water pipe in your bathroom or toilet. So, make sure you know the likely causes of condensation on your toilet cistern and pipework in your bathroom and the ways to solve such an issue. Luckily for you, we are here to guide you every step of the way. Here are things you should follow:
Box In The Pipes.
Boxing in the pipes in your toilet wherever possible can help with preventing condensation on your toilet cistern, which means that you should place some insulation inside the boxing. Take note that the humid air in the room can condense on the colder underside of the cistern, so insulation will make things better.
Add Hot Water To Your Toilet Cistern.
There are fittings available which add a little hot water to your cistern by the time cold water enters it after flushing, but these can be expensive and not cost-effective, especially if you are using a loo, which you would not use often. In a relatively small room, air can get quite warm, which carries moisture that will condense as soon as it hits a cooler surface. Take note that a toilet cistern is full of cold water, thus it has a cold surface. So, make sure you add hot water to this component once in a while.
Allow Sufficient Ventilation To Your Bathroom.
The purpose of this is to keep everything in your bathroom at a fairly equal temperature. The problem here is when you have a relatively smaller bathroom, so you need to make the surface of your cistern warmer, which can be accomplished in a simple way—using a yoga mat.
The Yoga Mat Method
First, you have to strip out the contents of your cistern after you have turned off the cold water and wipe it completely dry using a sponge or a rag. You can also use a hairdryer to warm up the inside. Cut the thin and dense yoga mat into sections that will fit on the inside of the cistern and stick them in place with a waterproof sealant or glue. Take note that the cistern’s inside needs to be completely dry for this to work properly. Basically, make sure all items fit together dry.
Final Thoughts
After you have done all the things mentioned above, you might need to reset your float valve, as the cistern would now hold a little less water. However, the mat would act as insulation on the inside of the tank, giving its exterior to warm up. Also, dismantling the cistern will give you the opportunity to insert an isolating valve into the pipe before you connect it to the cistern, allowing you to turn off the water to the cistern any time in the future. You can even get take the opportunity to replace the flushing mechanism with a dual flusher to save on water.