A high-pressure cavity is undoubtedly one of the most common ways you can hear a strange noise, among those, a very shrill whistling noise. So if the toilet is making a whistling noise, here are some of the things you have to be aware of. Some of these occurrences are more potentially hazardous than others. For others, they are rather innocuous, but being on top of all them will ensure you can stay ahead of the battle.
Septic Tank Buildup
When it comes to using certain appliances, it’s very critical that you stay on top of those that are showing signs of high pressure. Pressure is very common in plumbing because as liquids and other objects navigate through the pipes and aqueducts, it’s not uncommon for sewage or other things to create a whistling sound when they are moved. If you ever hear whistling, that is a bad sign. Typically, whistling is an indicator that there is a severe level of pressure change, a level so high, that it very well could cause a pipe to burst. Rather than being ignorant of this, ensure you inspect the septic tank directly to ensure that there is actually no critical levels of buildup.
Waste Overflow
One thing people don’t realize is that when you flush waste of all kinds, there is an evaporation of those products. For example, most waste products decompose and create methane gas, which in small amounts is not a danger, but at very high levels, the gas can actually create flammable pressure build. because of this, it’s incredibly important that you monitor the levels of odor in addition to the sounds the toilet makes whenever it’s used. By understanding the difference between a particular set of sounds, you’ll ensure that you can reduce the chances of damage or catastrophic failure.