The Toilet – It’s best to not flush a lot of paper down the toilet after each use. Instead, try to flush once for solid materials, and be conservative with the paper. You can flush paper products, however, make sure that you’re using interval flushing and not just throwing away a great deal of paper at once. If you put too much down your toilet, it will clog and you’ll be left with no other recourse than to call in a plumber. For light clogs, don’t be afraid to use a plunger.
These two issues are the biggest plumbing problems that you’ll face in the bathroom. Take the same advice in the tub/shower for your sink as well. Whether you’re shaving at the sink, or you are simply washing your face on a regular basis, make sure that there is a screen to capture any debris that could end up clogging the area. With the aforementioned tips, you will have a good running bathroom, but when things go wrong, and you can’t fix them on your own, consider calling Rooter Guard.